
Contact Gary at 916-652-7850 or liss4loomis@gmail.com |
Welcome to Gary's website!
It’s a way of life. The people who live here appreciate the character of the town with its rural feel and natural setting.
But these are characteristics that must be protected and nurtured or Loomis will become just another California suburb.
Gary Liss represents Loomis
residents who are looking for leadership in these areas: - Town Council fiscal responsibility and maximum public
participation with full transparency
- Controlled
growth that follows our General Plan and is compatible with our size and historic character
- An energized downtown area that supports local jobs and community-building
- Support for the highest-quality schools and public safety
- Preservation
of open spaces and wetlands
- Expansion of parks, bikeways and trails
- Sustainability
- helping residents, businesses and the Town save money, be more efficient, self-reliant and resilient, and benefit from
the new Green economy
- Engage surrounding governments
to work together
- An independent voice not directed by political
In these times, Loomis has much to be proud of: - We have no debt
and about $12 million in the bank (for a variety of dedicated purposes, including $2 million in operating reserves to
keep us financially sustainable as a Town).
- We have the lowest unemployment rate in the County, have maintained our
property values better than most locations, and have retained our unique rural character.
- We built the Blue Anchor
Park downtown next to the Train Depot to help strengthen our downtown businesses and support Loomis being the center of the
Loomis Basin.
- We have supported more downtown activities, including the Thursday Night Family Festival and
the CCD Expo.
- We acquired the 11 acres of Heritage Park at the end of Walnut Street and agreed to keep that
as publicly-owned open space, to preserve that natural experience for future generations.
- We own our Town Hall downtown,
the land under Blue Goose, much of the High Hand Nursery land, and 10 acres all along the railroad track. We have developed
detailed plans for enhancing these lands and streets in the downtown, and are beginning to implement those plans. These amenities are
becoming popular attractions.

Gary is working for more parks, & trails to connect them, including Blue Anchor Park & Heritage Park |
Comments Form:
If you have comments, or would like to get involved, please fill
out this form to contact us about the issues, support our campaign, post a yard sign, or organize a house gathering for your
neighbors to meet the candidate at an informal get-together.
Gary Liss for Loomis Council